Ashleigh Brilliant My opinions may have changed, but not the fact that I’m right 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 opinionschangedfactim
Richard Bandler Remember that life gets better when you’re headed in the right direction and you’ll know it’s right because you’re sure enough to be unsure about but never unsure enough to not do it 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 rememberlifeheadeddirectionunsurere
Thomas Huxley It is not who is right, but what is right, that is of importance 2 jaar geleden Jos 0
John Lennon You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 dromenimdreamer
Onbekend There is no right or wrong (way). There’s just what you need or want. Just what feels right inside 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 wrongfeelsinside
Nelson Mandela The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 bravemanfeelafraidconquersfear
William Gibson Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes 8 jaar geleden Jos 1 inspiratiediagnosedepressionlowesteemfact
Bill Burr I actually resent the fact that I’m going to get judged someday. Like if that’s true. That somebody is going to judge me. It doesn’t even make any sense. Dude, you made me. This is your fuckup. Let’s not try to turn this around on me 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 resentfactjudgedsomedaytruejudge
Snatch It’s not important whether it’s fact or fiction. People like to believe 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 factfictionpeopleitsits
Adam Savage The project may be the lion, but the list is your whip 11 jaar geleden Jos 83 projectlionlistwhip
Bill Burr I know you’re not supposed to make fun of fat people. I don’t know why though. They’re not a race, they’re not a religion. It’s totally curable. Eat an apple and go for a walk 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 supposedfunfatpeopleracereligion
Woody Allen I will not eat oysters. I want my food dead. Not sick. Not wounded. Dead 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 eatoystersfooddeadsickwounded
Mae West You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough 4 jaar geleden Jos 1 inspiratiepowervrouwenlive
Bill Burr These fucking stupid ass groups. People apoligizing to them like they have some sort of power. Look, if you’ve been a dick, apologize, but other than that yeah, go fuck yourself 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 fuckingstupidassgroupspeopleapoligizing
Slavoj Zizek You should have the outburst of violence and you should direct it at yourself. But in a very specific way. At what in yourself chains you, ties you to the ruling ideologie 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 jezelfzijnoutburstviolencedirectspecificchains
Amber You have to do this before i have to do that.... 6 jaar geleden Majke 0 rtv
Ken Robinson Most people have no idea what they’re capable of. No real sense of their talents or their abilities. And very many people therefor conclude that they don’t have any, there’s nothing special about them 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 peopleideacapablerealsensetalents
Ricky Gervais If you don’t have empathy with animals, then you don’t have empathy at all 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 empathyanimals
Tupac Shakur There’s no way that people should have planes while other people don’t have houses. Even if you earned it, you still owe 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 peopleplaneshousesearnedowe
David Allen You can do anything, but not everything 11 jaar geleden Jos 90
Wes Bos So you’re not a box keeper but you’re an egg opener 3 jaar geleden Jos 0 syntaxboxkeepereggopenerre