Alle uitspraken met tag live
Slavoj Zizek Ideology is not only the world we live in but especially the wrong ways in how we imagine to escape 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 ideologylivewrongwaysimagineescape
Richard Branson What an entrepreneur needs to do first of all is come up with an idea that will make a positive difference on other people’s’ lives 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 entrepreneurideapositivedifferencepeoplelives
Louis C.K I have a lot of beliefs. And I live by none of them 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 lotbeliefslive
J.K. Rowling It is impossible to live without failing at something. Unless you live so cautiously, that you might as well not have lived at all 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 impossiblelivefailingcautiouslylived
J.K. Rowling We touch other people’s lives by simply existing 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 leventouchpeoplelivessimplyexisting
Edward Snowden I don’t want to live in a world where everything I say, everything I do, everyone I talk to, every expression of creativity and love or friendship is recorded 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 livetalkexpressioncreativitylovefriendship
Brene Brown Connection is why we’re here. It’s what gives purpose and meaning to our lives 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 connectionwereitspurposemeaninglives
Gloria Estefan Though people come and they go, but if you've brought some love into their lives, you've got something to show. 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 peoplebroughtlovelivesve
Shirley Chisholm If they don’t give you a seat at the table, bring a folding chair 3 jaar geleden Jos 1 politiekblacklivesmatterseattablebringfolding
Jerry Seinfeld Getting live laughs is a druggy kind of lifestyle 4 jaar geleden Jos 0 seinfeldcomedyisthisanythinglivelaughsdruggy
Mae West You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough 4 jaar geleden Jos 1 inspiratiepowervrouwenlive
ruben Ik heb per ongeluk een website live gezet 7 jaar geleden lorrie 1 touchcreativeongelukwebsitelivegezet
Anoniem the government is supposed to make people's lives better and easier, not put them in jail for kissing in public 11 jaar geleden Jos 103 istanbulgovernmentsupposedpeopleliveseasier
Melvin Udall If that did it for me, I'd be the luckiest man alive 14 jaar geleden Jos 165 inspiratieluckiestmanalive
Jos Ja hij staat al live.. Op 14 jaar geleden Madri 134 thepharmacystaatliveendupyours