Gandhi Be the change that you wish to see in the world 4 jaar geleden Jos 0 inspiratiefilosofiechange
John Lennon You’re all geniuses and you’re all beautiful. You don’t need anybody to tell you who you are or what you are. You are what you are 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 geniusesbeautifulre
Kazimierz Dabrowski Be greeted psychoneurotics. For you see sensitivity in the insensitivity of the world, uncertainty among the world’s certainties 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 greetedpsychoneuroticssensitivityinsensitivityuncertaintycertainties
Bill Burr You do something good you feel good. You do something bad you feel bad. Unless you’re like a sociopath, then you’ll feel shit 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 goodfeelbadsociopathshitre
Nelson Mandela There’s no use trying to change others if you yourself are unable to change yourself 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 changeunable
Slavoj Zizek The first step to freedom is not just to change reality to fit your dreams. It’s to change the way you dream 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 stepfreedomchangerealityfitdreams
George Carlin I love individuals. Every person you look at – you can see the universe in their eyes if you’re really looking 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 loveindividualspersonuniverseeyesre
James Clean If you're clear about where you want to go, the rest of the world will either help you get there or get out of the way 11 jaar geleden Jos 81 clearrestre
Adele Never mind, I’ll find someone like you. I wish nothing but the best for you, too 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 mindill
Abraham Lincoln Our government rests in public opinion. Whoever can change public opinion, can change the government, practically just so much 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 governmentrestspublicopinionchangepractically
Jordan Peterson I’m much more afraid of the people dealing with climate change than I am of climate change 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 afraidpeopledealingclimatechangeim
Nelson Mandela One of the most difficult things is not to change society – but to change yourself 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 difficultthingschangesociety
Onbekend The self is not a fixed entity, it’s the story we’re telling. In order to change our self, we need to change our story 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 fixedentitystorytellingorderchange
Bill Burr You can’t hit women, you can’t, you honestly cannot. Have you ever seen how they fall? They fall like toddlers 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 hitwomenhonestlyfalltoddlers
Ken Robinson If you don’t know what you can do, you don’t know what you might be 2 jaar geleden Jos 0
Slavoj Zizek You should have the outburst of violence and you should direct it at yourself. But in a very specific way. At what in yourself chains you, ties you to the ruling ideologie 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 jezelfzijnoutburstviolencedirectspecificchains
Frank Sinatra If you don’t know the guy on the other side of the world, love him anyway because he’s just like you 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 liefdeguyloveheshes
Desmond Tutu Believe that this world can become a better world 12 jaar geleden Jos 145 inspiratie
Lauryn Hill I’m changing because that’s a natural part of life. We’re all supposed to change. Let the experience teach you and be real 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 changingnaturallifesupposedchangeexperience
Frank Sinatra I believe in nature, in the birds, the sea, the sky, in everything I can see or that there is real evidence for. If these things are what you mean by God, then I believe in God 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 godnaturebirdsseaskyreal
Louis C.K Do you think sharks would be embarrassed if they knew that we can all see their fins sticking out on top of the water? 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 sharksembarrassedknewfinsstickingwater