Robert Miles After all said and done, one and one still is one 2 jaar geleden Jos 0
Thomas Huxley The man who is all morality and intellect, although he may be good and even great, is, after all, only half a man 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 manmoralityintellectgoodgreathalf
J.K. Rowling Have you any idea how much tyrants fear the people they oppress? All of them realize that, one day, amongst their many victims, there is sure to be one that rises against them and strikes back 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 ideatyrantsfearpeopleoppressrealize
Elbert Hubbard A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you 4 jaar geleden Jos 0 inspiratiefriendshipfriendloves
William Shakespeare All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 shakespearestageplayers
Ricky Gervais And God saw the light and saw it was good. Even though he said so himself 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 godgodlightgood
John Lennon And so happy Christmas for black and for white, for yellow and red ones. Let’s stop all the fight 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 kersthappychristmasblackwhiteyellow
Mark Manson The only way one can truly achieve one’s potential, to become fully fulfilled, or to become self-actualized (whatever the fuck that means), is to stop trying to be all of those things 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 achievepotentialfullyfulfilledactualizedfuck
Bill Burr It’s great. You can just keep banging away, making one useless, mediocre, not-going-to-invent-shit kid after another 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 greatbangingmakinguselessmediocreinventshit
George Carlin It’s all bullshit, folks. It’s all bullshit and it’s bad for ya 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 bullshitfolksbadits
John Lennon You’re all geniuses and you’re all beautiful. You don’t need anybody to tell you who you are or what you are. You are what you are 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 geniusesbeautifulre
Sheldon Cooper One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid and it makes me sad 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 criessadstupid
Henry Ford It is sometimes not easy to speak and harder still to hear; but the truth heals 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 waarheideasyspeakharderheartruth
Noa Wait before you close the curtain. There’s still another game to play and life is beautiful that way 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 waitclosecurtaingameplaylife
The School of Life The cynic is never truly and completely cynical. They are still recovering from hopes that grew too painful to avow 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 cyniccompletelycynicalrecoveringhopesgrew
Bill Burr It’s all a bunch of bullshit. God’s everywhere but I’ve got to go down there to see him, really? And he’s mad at me down there and I owe him money? Go fuck yourself 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 godbunchbullshitgodmadowe
Steve Hughes You’re running around the world, dropping depleted uranium all over the earth, sitting there, letting nuclear weapons off underneath the sea and the rest of us, what are we going to do, sit at home with a special light bulb and a shopping bag for life? 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 runningdroppingdepleteduraniumearthsitting
Cal Newport Do what Steve Jobs did, not what he said 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 stevejobs
Bill Burr Don’t you realize after your third loser kid, you don’t have the DNA to make somebody special? 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 realizeloserkiddnaspecial
Jordan Peterson I think that generally people have things that are more within their personal purview that are more difficult to deal with and that they’re avoiding. And that generally the way they avoid them is by adopting pseudo-moralistic stances on large scale social issues so that they look good to their friends and their neighbours 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 generallypeoplethingspersonalpurviewdifficult
Simon Sinek Champions are not the ones who always win races, champions are the ones who get out there and try. And try harder the next time. And even harder the next time. Champion is a state of mind 2 jaar geleden Jos 0 winnenchampionswinraceshardertime